Mchanga Sanaa

In addition to lifestyle videos, Mchanga, my YouTube channel, is dedicated to quality tech reviews, productivity tips and how-to tutorials.

Filtering by Tag: minimalism

How To Be More Productive using Minimalism

Whether you’re a college student and working full-time, or you’ve been at your job for several years, increasing your overall productivity is not an easy feat. I had to evaluate my goals and make some changes in my life that would allow more productivity. In addition to staying on top of my studies and making all of my meetings, I decided to spend my free time reading, decluttering and organizing. In order for habits to form, you have to stick with it long-term so I had to commit to the changes.

     Over the course of one year, I learned so many different techniques that helped me adjust to minimalism and embrace the lifestyle. There is no easy way to break bad habits and replace them with good habits, but if you truly want to shift your level of productivity, you can do it. Living in this generation means having constant access to technology and all of the vast knowledge it can offer. The same technology we use to learn from is also a major distraction from the lives we could be living. Once you make the decision to focus on what you consider to be priorities, eliminate the distractions, and get your space and life organized, you will be a much happier person overall. 

     If you want to join me in my journey to greater self awareness and learn some of the building blocks to becoming more productive, check out my YouTube channel.

I decided to put myself through a social experiment to determine if being a minimalist was a possibility for me. In a world where we find ourselves just want...

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